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Guangdong Machinery processing factory shares your entrepreneurial experience with you

The information comes from:Internet Posted on:2021-07-16

As entrepreneurs, we are all on our own way. For some, financial success is a long and painful process. For others, things just seem to happen when it's time. I believe that the latter is not the result of magic, but a clear sign that an entrepreneur realizes the importance of learning, adapting and growing with his own business. In order to build a long-term, healthy and stable development enterprise, the following 10 courses are shared by our company for each entrepreneur.
1. The customer is not always right.
From the beginning, we were told that "customers are always right." We spare no effort to please every customer, even if they are the obvious culprit. However, this maxim can cause serious harm to ourselves, employees and customers. Give the customer the benefit of questioning, but not at the expense of your (or the employee's) dignity.
2. Time is money.
Money, customers, ideas: This is all the resources you can get more from it. However, time is a limited number of things you can have. One way to make sure you make the most of your time is to allocate your tasks on an hourly basis. Ask yourself: is this the right salary for my job? If there are other people who can do your job with less pay, let them do it so that you can focus on higher level, higher income tasks. As a business operator, you have to do the tasks that only you can accomplish.
3. Not all money is good money.
This is a course that entrepreneurs face early in their careers. When the enterprise is in the stage of taking off, it is very easy for you to fall into the trap of raising money from any provider. The problem is that not all customers or customers are worth it. Stay away from customers who take up too much of your time, always have unrealistic expectations, or you're just tired of dealing with them. It's not worth it!
4. There will be no cheap shortcut in marketing.
I always say this to business owners who want to listen to some marketing advice, but they always bypass my advice and give the reason that it is "too expensive". The cruel truth is that cheap marketing can make your brand look very inferior. Poor content, cheap advertising and low budget may save you money in the short term, but their impact on your brand reputation will last longer.
5. Outsource as much as possible.
If you don't have internal staff to share the workload, consider outsourcing. Many entrepreneurs find that the recruitment of overseas virtual assistants significantly reduces the time they spend on daily tasks, thus freeing them to do more rewarding tasks.
6. Build your personal brand as well as your corporate brand.
Many entrepreneurs have made the mistake of focusing on establishing corporate brand but neglecting to build their own brand. However, personal brand will make you stand out from the competitors and give you authority and credibility in the industry. If your enterprise finally fails, personal brand will also follow you
7. Work is life. Life is short. Why hate work.
Although there are many discussions about work life separation or work life balance in recent years, our whole focus is on work life integration. Because this is life, what we advocate is that we can keep the same state in both life and work. The balance between work and life is something that many entrepreneurs will struggle with, which is why I am enthusiastic about Xie Jiahua's comments. When you're passionate about what you're doing, when your focus is on fun (yourself and your employees), work isn't just a tool to fund your "real life.". Making work more interesting and meaningful can significantly reduce your chances of feeling tired.
8. Hire someone smarter than you.
The philosophy of Guangdong Machinery Factory is always to find the smartest person possible. Hire someone smarter than yourself—— Donnie doich: there will always be people smarter than you. If you're lucky enough to find these people, hire them. Focus on what you're good at and give these people the same freedom.
9. The model may not apply to your customers.
Especially when your business is just starting, it's easy to fall into the state of being told what's the "best way" to do things. The problem is, "they" don't know your customers or your customers. Use model practices as a starting point, but they can meet the unique needs of the business and customers.
10. Let it go.
Planning, strategy and trade-offs all play an important role in the company. But there are some things that you can't escape and have to do. You know the saying, "it's better to do something imperfect than to do nothing perfect."
Analysis pause or simply lack of the ability to implement the plan will hinder the growth, innovation and development of any enterprise. Even if you do everything now, it won't pay off many years later. According to the famous physicist and writer Calais Daoxiong, successful people will work anyway, because they know how to delay enjoyment, which is the ability to distinguish successful people from non successful people. Now you know: in order to start a profitable and sustainable enterprise, entrepreneurs must master 10 courses. These courses are not simple, but to be sure, they are the best opportunities to ensure long-term success.
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