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Ruinuohong shares with you: high speed machining of CNC machine tools

The information comes from:Internet Posted on:2021-07-16

The main economic and technical factors of the development of high speed machining in Dongguan CNC processing plant
Increasingly fierce market competition leads to the continuous establishment of new standards, the requirements for time and cost efficiency are higher and higher, which forces the development of new technology and production technology. High speed machining offers hope and solutions
Material Science
The development of new hard working materials urgently needs to find new cutting solutions. The aerospace industry uses heat-resistant alloy steel and stainless steel, and the automobile industry uses different bimetal materials, small graphite cast iron, and increases the amount of aluminum. The die manufacturing industry must face the problem of cutting high hardness quenched steel from rough to finish.
The high quality requirements are the result of unprecedented fierce competition. If the high-speed machining is used correctly, some solutions can be provided in this field. Instead of manual finishing is an example, which is particularly important for dies with complex 3D geometry.
The requirement of reducing the time of product output by reducing the number of loading cards and simplifying logistics (logistics) can be solved by high-speed processing in most cases. A typical goal in the mold manufacturing industry is to complete the cutting of all the fully quenched small parts in a single card. The high speed cutting can reduce and eliminate the time-consuming and expensive EDM.
Design and development of Dongguan CNC processing factory
One of the main ways to compete today is to sell new products. Now the average life cycle of cars is 4 years, computers and accessories are 1 and a half years, and mobile phones are 3 months. The precondition for this fast product design cycle and development cycle is high-speed cutting technology.
complex product 
The multi-functional surfaces of parts have been added, such as the newly designed turbine blades with new, optimized functions and characteristics. Early designs allowed polishing by hand or robot (manipulator). The new type and complex shape turbine blades must be finished by cutting, and the best way is to finish the machining with high speed. There are more and more examples of thin-walled workpiece that must be machined by cutting (medical equipment, electronics, defense products, computer parts).
Products and equipment of Dongguan CNC processing factory
The great development of cutting materials, tool tools, machine tools, CNC system, especially cad/cam functions and equipment has made it possible and necessary to adopt new production methods and technologies.
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