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Reno Hong shares with you = casting terms

The information comes from:Internet Posted on:2024-01-01

Dongguan CNC processing plant will introduce the sand casting process details which represent the most basic casting process in the following part. It is necessary to define some casting vocabulary for the discussion of process details.


 Sandbox: a molding sandbox is to keep the sand mold intact. According to the position of the sandbox in the mold structure, it is given several names, such as the lower sandbox, upper sandbox and medium sandbox used in the three box molding. Short term use is made of wood; Long term use is usually made of metal, Dongguan CNC processing plant is really good, worthy of attention.
Pattern: the pattern is a copy of the final product after some modification, and the cavity is made with the help of the pattern
Parting line: it is the parting line between the two sandboxes of the sand mold. In the split mold, it is also the parting line between the two halves of the pattern.
Bottom plate: It is usually a flat plate made of wood and used at the beginning of modeling. First, put the pattern on the bottom plate, then sprinkle the sand on the pattern, and then tamp it in the lower box.
Surface sand: a small amount of carbon material sprinkled on the surface of the cavity to get better surface finish of the casting, Dongguan CNC processing plant is really good, worthy of attention
Molding sand: a new refractory material used to make cavities. It is a mixture of silica, clay and water in an appropriate proportion to obtain the desired results. In the process of modeling, it is surrounded by the shape.
Back sand: it forms the vast majority of refractories that can be found in the mold, consisting of used and burned sand.
Core: used to make cavities in castings.
Sprue cup: a small funnel-shaped cavity in which molten metal is injected into the upper end of the mold.
Sprue: molten metal from the gate cup to the cavity of a channel, in many cases, it controls the metal flow into the cavity, Dongguan CNC processing plant is really good, it is worth paying attention to.
Runner: a channel on the parting surface that allows liquid metal flow to be adjusted before reaching the cavity.
Ingate: the actual entry point of liquid metal into the cavity.
Core brace: the core brace is used to support the core in the cavity to support the weight of the core itself and eliminate metal static stress.
Chiller: chiller is a metal object which is put in the mold to increase the cooling rate of the casting, so as to provide the same cooling rate or the required cooling rate. Dongguan CNC processing plant is really good and worthy of attention
Riser: it is to provide liquid metal reserve in casting, the purpose is to make the hot metal in the solidification process in the case of body shrinkage can return to the cavity.

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