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Dongguan CNC factory shares with you the influence of surface quality on corrosion resistance

The information comes from:Internet Posted on:2021-07-16

The corrosion resistance of the parts in Dongguan CNC factory depends on the surface roughness to a great extent. The larger the surface roughness is, the more corrosive substances will accumulate in the valley. The worse the corrosion resistance. The residual tensile stress in the surface layer can cause stress corrosion cracking and reduce the wear resistance of the parts, while the residual compressive stress can prevent stress corrosion cracking.
The influence of the surface quality of parts in Dongguan CNC factory on the matching quality: the surface roughness value will affect the matching quality of the matching surface. For the clearance fit, the roughness value will increase the wear, increase the clearance, and destroy the required fit properties. Dongguan CNC processing plant for interference fit, part of the surface hump is flattened in the assembly process, the actual interference is reduced, and the connection strength between the parts is reduced
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