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Dongguan CNC machining factory share with you = CNC tool wear

The information comes from:Internet Posted on:2024-01-22

Dongguan CNC machining factory has many years of experience in machining, and the tool wear is severe. Now I share it with you, hoping to reserve the tool in advance. Brittle fracture has been treated, and there are basically three types of tool wear. Flank wear, boundary wear and rake wear. Tool wear occurs at the main cutting edge and the secondary cutting edge. The main cutting edge is responsible for removing a large amount of metal, which increases the cutting force and temperature. If it is allowed to develop, it will lead to the vibration of the tool and workpiece, which can no longer cut efficiently. The secondary cutting edge determines the size and surface accuracy of the workpiece, and the wear of the flank will lead to poor surface accuracy of a large number of products. According to the actual cutting conditions, the main reason for the unavailability of cutting tools in Dongguan CNC machining plant is that the wear of the main tool face is very large, which leads to an unacceptable part.
Because of the stress distribution of the cutting tool, the friction force in the sliding area reaches the maximum between the chip and the surface at the beginning of sliding, and finally the friction force is zero. Therefore, abrasive wear occurs in this area, and more wear occurs in the adjacent area of the chip away from the chip, which is more than that of the adjacent area.
There is a certain distance between the tool surface and the local pitting caused by Dongguan CNC machining plant, and part of the surface is arc-shaped. In many aspects and based on the actual cutting conditions, the boundary wear is less serious than the flank wear, so the flank wear is a common blunting standard. Then, it is shown by various authors that with the increase of cutting speed, the increase of surface temperature is more than that of tool face, and since the temperature change seriously affects any type of wear rate, boundary wear usually occurs at higher cutting speed.
Where the tool contacts the uncut surface, the wear of the tail of the main tool surface is more obvious than that along the remaining wear surface. This is because local effects such as uncut surfaces are caused by work hardening caused by previous cutting, oxidation scale and local high temperature. This local wear is generally related to boundary wear, and sometimes it is very serious. Although the appearance of a notch will not seriously affect the cutting performance of the tool, the notch is often deep, and if the cutting continues, the tool is likely to fracture. If any form of progressive wear makes it continue to exist dramatically, the tool will face catastrophic failure, such as the tool can no longer cut, in the good case, the workpiece will be scrapped, and in the worst case, the mechanical tool may cause damage. For cemented carbide tools and various types of wear, the maximum service life can be reached before catastrophic failure occurs. But the wear of high speed steel cutting tools is uneven. Dongguan CNC machining plant has found that when the wear continues and even catastrophic failure occurs, the most meaningful and reproducible results can be obtained. Of course, in practice, the cutting time is far less than the failure time. When catastrophic failure occurs, there will be several phenomena, the most common one is the sudden increase of cutting force, the bright ring of workpiece and the significant increase of noise.
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