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Dongguan cnc processing plant to share with you: milling machine tooling and fixture knowledge

The information comes from:Internet Posted on:2023-05-08

basic requirements
Dongguan cnc processing plant generally does not require very complex fixtures in milling processing, only simple positioning and clamping are required. Its design principle is the same as that of general milling machine fixtures, combined with the characteristics of CNC milling processing, here are some basics Claim:
In order to ensure that all the surface to be processed of the work piece that needs to be completed in this process are fully exposed, the cnc processing plant in Dongguan should be as open as possible, because a certain safety distance should be maintained between the clamping mechanism components and the processing surface. The components of the clamping mechanism can be as low as possible to prevent interference between the fixture and the milling machine spindle sleeve or cutter sleeve and cutting tool during the processing.
In order to maintain the consistency of the installation position of the part with the direction of the machine tool coordinate system and the programming coordinate system, the fixture should ensure the directional installation on the machine tool, and it is also required to maintain a certain coordinate relationship between the coordinated part positioning surface and the machine tool.
The rigidity and stability of the fixture are better. Try not to use the design of changing the clamping point during the processing. When the clamping point must be changed during the processing, pay special attention to not replacing the clamping point and destroying the positioning accuracy of the fixture or workpiece.
Types of commonly used fixtures
The commonly used fixtures for milling in Dongguan cnc processing plant are roughly as follows:
Universal modular fixture: suitable for small batch production or development of small and medium-sized workpieces for milling on the CNC milling machine.
Special milling fixture: This is a fixture specially designed and manufactured for a certain item or several similar workpieces. It is generally used when the annual output is large or when it is necessary to develop. Its structure is fixed and only used in the specific process of a specific part. This type of fixture design should be simplified to minimize the manufacturing time.
Multi-station fixture: It can clamp multiple workpieces at the same time, which can reduce the number of tool changes. It is convenient for one-side processing and one-side loading and unloading of workpieces, which is conducive to shortening auxiliary time and improving productivity. It is more suitable for medium batch production.
Pneumatic or hydraulic clamps. It is suitable for the occasions where the production batch is large, and the use of other fixtures and particularly labor-intensive and labor-intensive workpieces can reduce labor intensity and increase productivity. However, such fixtures are more complex in structure, often costly, and have a long manufacturing cycle.
General milling fixture: There are general adjustable fixture, vise, indexing head and three-jaw chuck, etc.
The selection principle of CNC milling machine fixture
Dongguan cnc processing plants usually need to consider the production batch, production efficiency, quality assurance and economy of the product when selecting fixtures. The following principles can be referred to when selecting:
Dongguan cnc processing plants should widely use universal modular fixtures when the production volume is small or when they are being developed. Only when the modular fixtures cannot solve the problem, other fixtures should be considered.
For small batch or batch production, special fixtures can be considered, but they should be as simple as possible. For larger production batches, multi-station fixtures and pneumatic and hydraulic fixtures can be considered.
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